Installing liquidFOLDERS

After downloading liquidFOLDERS, double-click on the installer to launch it. Follow the instructions to install liquidFOLDERS on your computer.

Allow the installer to make changes to your computer. All liquidFOLDERS installers are digitally signed to verify both their origin and integrity.

Getting started

You probably have thousands and thousands of files on your computer: your music collection, photographs, videos and other data for sure, but also many system files from Windows and applications that you'd rather not see. liquidFOLDERS is intended for your personal files only—we don't want you to be bothered by system files, application data and directories that you don't care about.

When you start liquidFOLDERS for the first time, you'll only see a blank window. To get started, you have to tell liquidFOLDERS where your actual data files are stored: your “Documents” directory will come to your mind, but maybe you have a second harddrive in your computer that holds your media files? You sync some files to Dropbox, iCloud or OneDrive? Your work laptop mounts a network shares off a central file server? You can add all of them to liquidFOLDERS in a few, easy steps.

Just click on “Add storage location…” in the toolbar. A dialog with some options pops up:

Using liquidFOLDERS

After adding your storage locations, you can browse the files they contain. All folders you'll see are created dynamically by our software in regard to the file property selected at the top right (hence the name of our software).

You can use the sidebar on the left side of the window to filter by file type: either across all storage locations, or for the one you're currently browsing.

The input line at the top right receives a search term that is always searched across all locations and file properties.

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